Bollywood’s Kill, directed by Nikhil Nagesh Bhat, is making waves with its U.S. release this weekend. This Hindi-language action thriller, set on a train journey to New Delhi, follows a pair of commandos who must defend passengers from a gang of 40 blade-wielding bandits. Produced by notable names including Hiroo Yash Johar and Karan Johar, and featuring stars like Lakshya, Tanya Maniktala, and Raghav Juyal, Kill promises a high-octane cinematic experience.
Chad Stahelski, renowned for the John Wick series, is on board to produce the Hollywood remake of Kill. Stahelski praised the original film’s relentless action sequences and aims to bring this vivid and creative action to a wider audience through 87Eleven Entertainment and Lionsgate. The Bollywood version’s release, which starts on July 4, marks a significant collaboration between Hindi cinema and Hollywood studios for a theatrical rollout in North America and the U.K.
Stahelski’s excitement for the remake is palpable: “Kill is one of the most vivid, wild, and creative action movies I’ve seen recently. Nikhil delivers relentless action sequences that need to be seen by as wide an audience as possible. It’s exciting to be developing an English-language version — we have big shoes to fill and I’m looking forward to working with Nikhil, Karan, Apoorva, Guneet, and Achin to achieve that.”
This production deal with Lionsgate not only aims to establish new movie franchises but also reinforces the global appeal of Indian cinema. As Bollywood and Hollywood continue to collaborate, Kill stands out as a prime example of cross-cultural cinematic ventures that promise to deliver compelling stories and thrilling action to audiences worldwide.