Janhvi Kapoor, who recently wowed audiences with her performance in Mr. & Mrs. Mahi, is gearing up for her next big release, Ulajh. This highly anticipated thriller, featuring Gulshan Devaiah and Roshan Mathew in pivotal roles, was initially slated to hit theaters on July 5. However, the release has now been pushed to August 2, 2024.
On June 24, the Ulajh team took to their social media platforms to announce the new release date. The filmmakers are currently focused on completing the post-production work to ensure the film is ready for its big debut.
Lead actress Janhvi Kapoor shared a video on her Instagram account, featuring the new release date accompanied by the movie’s powerful background score. She captioned the post, “#Ulajh is now set to release on 2nd August in cinemas near you! See you guys with popcorn soon!”
Fans quickly expressed their excitement in the comments section, with one user saying, “Very excited about this one!!!” and another adding, “Can’t wait.” Other fans shared their enthusiasm with red hearts and fire emojis, showcasing their anticipation for the film.
Earlier this year, the gripping teaser of Ulajh was released, highlighting Janhvi Kapoor’s role as an Indian Foreign Service (IFS) officer. The film follows her character’s journey, focusing on the challenges she faces in her professional and personal life.
In addition to Janhvi Kapoor, the ensemble cast of Ulajh includes talented actors such as Adil Hussain, Rajendra Gupta, Rajesh Tailang, Meiyang Chang, and Jitendra Joshi. The film is penned by Parveez Shaikh and Sudhanshu Saria, with dialogues by Atika Chauhan. Directed by Sudhanshu Saria and presented by Junglee Pictures, the film is produced by Vineet Jain and co-produced by Amrita Pandey.
As fans eagerly await more updates, Ulajh promises to be a thrilling addition to Indian cinema. Mark your calendars for its theatrical release on August 2, and get ready for an exciting cinematic experience.