Aaron Sorkin Tackles Facebook’s Impact in Potential ‘Social Network’ Sequel

By TCB Editor Apr27,2024

Aaron Sorkin, the acclaimed screenwriter behind “The Social Network,” revealed plans for a potential sequel that delves into Facebook’s influence on democracy. In a recent podcast appearance, Sorkin discussed his intentions to address the impact of social media, particularly Facebook, on societal and political dynamics.

Expressing his concerns about the role of Facebook in the events of January 6, Sorkin attributed blame to the social media platform for its algorithmic promotion of divisive content. He emphasized the detrimental effects of prioritizing engagement over integrity, citing Facebook’s pursuit of growth as a primary motivator.

“I hope that students — people who are planning on demonstrating there, and I’m all for demonstrating — I hope they remember that Nixon barely beat Humphrey in 1968, and it’s very likely the sight of riots at the [DNC convention], turned some people off from Democrats. I hope people especially remember that as complicated and important as the war in Gaza is, this is an election about Trump vs. not-Trump and there is an existential choice there.”

as reported on The Hollywood Reporter (read here)

Sorkin’s remarks hinted at a forthcoming screenplay that would serve as a spiritual successor to “The Social Network,” exploring the darker aspects of Facebook’s evolution since the original film’s release. While details about the project are still emerging, Sorkin’s commitment to addressing the complexities of social media’s impact on society underscores the significance of the subject matter.

While Sorkin’s previous attempts to develop a script related to January 6 did not materialize, his ongoing efforts to craft a narrative around Facebook’s influence suggest a continued interest in exploring these themes. The potential sequel to “The Social Network” has generated significant anticipation, although it remains in the early stages of development with no confirmed studio partnership.

Sorkin’s vision for the sequel aligns with his previous statements about the need to examine the “dark side” of Facebook and its implications for democracy. His insistence on collaborating with director David Fincher underscores the seriousness with which he approaches the project, emphasizing the importance of capturing the nuances of the subject matter.

As discussions about the sequel continue, Sorkin’s insights into the enduring relevance of “The West Wing” highlight the evolving landscape of political storytelling. While reflecting on the show’s impact, he acknowledged the challenges of portraying public service in today’s polarized climate, suggesting a shift in attitudes toward political narratives.

In light of his concerns about the potential consequences of protests at the Democratic National Convention, Sorkin urged demonstrators to consider the broader implications of their actions. Emphasizing the importance of unity in the face of political divisions, he underscored the existential stakes of the upcoming election.

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