Shah Rukh Khan, who enjoyed a string of blockbuster hits in 2023, has commenced filming for his highly anticipated project, “King,” directed by Sujoy Ghosh, the visionary behind the hit film “Kahaani.” While Khan has yet to announce any new films officially, “King” is generating considerable buzz, especially with the involvement of his daughter, Suhana Khan, in a pivotal role.
The filming of “King” has kicked off in Spain, marking a significant milestone in the project’s development. The film has already sparked excitement among fans and industry insiders, particularly after a leaked image from the set went viral. The picture captures Shah Rukh Khan in a candid moment, seated and engaged in conversation with the crew, hinting at the intense atmosphere of the production.
Also read: Shah Rukh Khan and Anirudh Reunite for ‘King’: Filming Begins in August
In “King,” Shah Rukh Khan is set to portray a gangster, a role that promises to showcase his versatility and charisma. This film marks his return to the gangster genre, stirring anticipation among his extensive fanbase. The movie’s unique aspect is the on-screen collaboration with his daughter, Suhana Khan, adding an extra layer of interest and familial connection to the project.
Khan’s decision to work on “King” comes after his departure from Farhan Akhtar’s “Don” series, despite the success of the first two films. While no official reason has been provided for his exit from “Don 3,” his commitment to “King” indicates his eagerness to explore new creative avenues and collaborations.
The leaked image and the news of Shah Rukh Khan’s gangster role have only heightened the curiosity and excitement surrounding “King.” As filming progresses in Spain, fans eagerly await further updates and glimpses into what promises to be another captivating performance by the Bollywood superstar.